Why does my French Bulldog always want to eat? Some Frenchies appear to be almost predisposed to treat every meal with an insatiable appetite, as if it may be their last for months. But almost all of the time, this is a learned behavior.
Shelter dogs may have been denied food until being found or rescued and may experience a persistent desire to search for food and swallow it as fast as possible before it disappears.
Well-fed Frenchies may have discovered that begging is going to get the treats. Or you might be over-feeding at dinner time accidentally.
Although we all love watching our French Bulldog get stuck into their favorite special treats, over-feeding can practically be like feeding them to death.
Too many treatments and too much food at dinnertime can lead to weight gain and other health issues.
Giving your Frenchie the correct balance of nutritious food alongside health care and treats allows your French Bulldog to keep the weight down and stay active.
Although, as mentioned before, many Frenchies are merely food-motivated, increased hunger can also be a symptom of various health problems.
A few of the health conditions that can lead to insatiable hunger involve:
First Things First How To Stop Your Frenchie From Begging
If your French Bulldog is begging for people’s food, here are some things you might do to adjust their behavior:
Feed your Frenchie before you feed it to yourself. This way, you can also be sure they’re not hungry and will feel more fulfilled when seeing you eat. |
Ignore your French Bulldog. Don’t cave in when your Frenchie is begging. Please ensure everyone who lives with you and your Frenchie is doing the same thing. Don’t let visitors give them food also when your French Bulldog begs. |
Restricting access to food. You should leave your Frenchie out of the dining area when preparing food or eating. Try placing the child barrier in the door. If they’re crate-trained, place them in their crate. |
Tell your French Bulldog to lie on the floor or go to bed when they’re begging at the dinner table. This teaches your Frenchie to wait patiently in the vicinity. |
Rewards your Frenchie for not begging. Whenever they make it through your dinner without begging you for food. |
Medical Issues That Make Your French Bulldog Always Hungry
If there have been no apparent changes in your house lately, and your Frenchies have become more hungry than normal, then the main reason for your French Bulldog’s increased appetite could be a medical issue. Here are the main causes as mentioned above.
Diabetes Making Your Dog Hungry
Although your French bulldogs may eat a balanced diet, they can still have diabetes.
As with diabetes in people, the body of your Frenchie stops making sufficient insulin, or the cells are unable to use the generated insulin.
The consequence of either issue is diabetes mellitus, which induces extreme thirst and urination, intense appetite, and weight loss.
Insulin therapy is used at the beginning to stabilize the sugar level and is typically necessary for the life of your French Bulldog.
The Two Major Symptoms Of Dog Diabetes
Appetite increase paired with weight loss: When the sugars can not reach the cells, the body can not efficiently use the food it absorbs as fuel. Hunger is never fulfilled despite the normal huge appetite your Frenchie has. Weight loss always is a feature. |
Excessive thirst and urination: A large amount of sugar in the bloodstream escapes into the urine. This also sucks liquid out of the bloodstream. Resulting in increased urine output and urination. Excessive water consumption is a mechanism for the body to help compensate for higher water loss by urination. High levels of bacteria-inducing sugar in the urine and urinary infections are also common findings. |
How Is It Treated
Long term, if your Frenchie has diabetes, they will be often managed with insulin injection to support the body’s impaired cells to use sugar more effectively.
Dietary improvements can also aid by counterbalancing rapid rises in blood sugar levels. Insulin injections are usually begun at the time of diagnosis and are needed throughout the long term to manage the illness.
Often dogs live an active, happy, and healthy life when their diabetes is well controlled. Even so, insulin treatment and daily surveillance at home and by your vet are important for the remainder of your French Bulldogs life.
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Tumors Making Your Dog Hungry
Many types of gastrointestinal cancers can damage your French Bulldogs’ intestinal tracts with tumors, such as adenocarcinoma and leiomyosarcoma.
Many of these forms of cancer can induce increased appetite in your Frenchie due to malabsorption of nutrients.
Symptoms Of Cancerous Tumors In Your French Bulldog
If you note any of the following changes in your French Bulldog, then have them tested by your veterinarian.
Thankfully, there is nothing serious about it, but if iit’scancer, it’s much easier to catch it early to get a better diagnosis and treatment.
Change in Appetite: A lack of appetite or extreme voracious appetite may be a cancer symptom. Tumors can modify your Frenchies’ metabolism and change your interest in food. Some forms of cancer can cause vomiting and loss of appetite, while others may enhance metabolism and increase appetite.⠀ |
Weight Loss: If your French Bulldog is losing weight unexpectedly, you should have it checked by your vet. Particularly if your Frenchies eating pattern hasn’t altered, losing weight may indicate that it is affected by a serious illness, likely cancer. |
Decreased Activity Level: Normal changes in activity levels associated with aging or even environmental changes can occur. That being said, a persistent loss of enthusiasm in the things that your Frenchie used to enjoy, such as game playing, long walks, socializing with other animals and relatives, or even snuggling, may mean that they are not quite well and should be investigated. |
How Are Cancerous Tumors Treated
Your French BBulldog’streatment for cancer will be assessed by your vet or veterinary oncologist and will vary depending on the type of cancer and other factors relevant to your Frenchie.
Your veterinarian may prescribe chemotherapy, radiation, surgery, or a combination of these treatments.

Cushing’s disease Making Your Dog Hungry
CCushing’sdisease is a “catch-all” definition for symptoms of excessive cortisol in the blood.
Cortisol is a steroid hormone released by two small glands nearby the kidneys named adrenal glands.
In periods of crisis, cortisol is secreted to boost blood sugar, thereby allowing the body to function effectively with stress.
Symptoms of Cushing’s Disease
CCushing’sdisease commonly develops throughout the middle ages of older dogs. The disease progresses slowly, and early symptoms are not always seen. Symptoms you may see in your French Bulldog include:
Increased appetite | Increased urination |
Increased thirst | Excessive panting |
Reduced activity | Thin or fragile skin |
Hair loss | Recurrent skin infections |
How Is Cushing’s disease Treated In Dogs?
Many veterinarians manage CCushing’sadrenal and pituitary-dependent disorder with medications.
The only option to “effectively treat” CCushing’sdisease is to extract the adrenal tumor if the disease is adrenal-dependent and the tumor has not spread.
Even so, due to the procedure’s difficulty and complications, most cases are handled with drugs.
Regular blood tests and veterinarian examinations are typically expected in the first few months after starting the treatment and every few months afterward, dependent on your Frenchies reaction to treatment and drug sensitivity.
Intestinal Malabsorption Making Your Dog Hungry
Intestinal malabsorption is due to a certain underlying condition in the small intestine or the pancreas.
Although your Frenchie can eat and even eat great, it will not get the essential nutrients they need from the food. This contributes to health problems, losing weight, and other issues.
Chronic diarrhea is one of the most serious symptoms. If your Frenchie shows these symptoms, you have to take your Frenchie to the closest vet for treatment.

Symptoms of Intestinal Malabsorption In Dogs
Weight loss despite insatiable appetite | Eating unusual things such as trash |
Frequent smelly poo | Noisy stomach with rumbling and gurgling |
Flatulence | Lack of energy |
Poor coat | Vomiting |
How Is Intestinal Malabsorption In Dogs Treated
It depends on the source of the issue concerning the treatment to be given.
If your French Bulldog has been identified with villous atrophy, a gluten-free diet can be recommended to relieve the disease. Bacterial overproduction is treated with a wide variety of oral antibiotics.
Tylosin, oxytetracycline, and metronidazole are popular antibiotic choices; you may also need to change your Frenchies diet.
Using live yogurt items and probiotics in your French Bulldogs’ diet will significantly benefit their wellbeing. Treatment is always life-long, concentrating on your Frenchies’ diet, daily medications, and supplements.