The idea of you French Bulldog dying is something that we all have a lot of trouble contemplating as a loving owner. However, the fact is, unlike our kids or anything else you helped to raise and take good care of, your Little Frenchie probably outlived you.
Perhaps more upsetting, you might end up facing a tough decision as to when to end the life of this beloved friend and family member through euthanasia.
While you’d generally prefer your Frenchie to fall asleep and pass away naturally without euthanasia, this kind of happy demise for a dog is uncommon. A natural death can become a long, painful, and anxiety-ridden experience for your French Bulldog.
How to Know When It’s Time
Speak to Your Vet
Among the most frequent questions, your vet will hear, “When should I put my pet down? “This is an incredibly personal decision, and many vets are hesitant to give a definitive response unless it is obvious that your Frenchie is truly suffering.
When consulting your vet for guidance, they will guide you through this difficult task and help you reach a choice. Your veterinarian will let you know about the medical conditions your French Bulldog is dealing with and the diagnosis and progression of many diseases.
When you have any concerns about the health side of your French Bulldog’s quality of life and what you need to look for, please contact your veterinarian.
They will be able to guide you through signs that your Frenchie may struggle with and you might not be able to identify. They will also clarify the procedure of euthanasia to relieve your stress and anxiety by allowing you to prepare in advance.
What you should be looking for
Here are some signs that may indicate your French Bulldog is suffering or no longer enjoying a good quality of life:
They have regular vomiting or diarrhea, which causes dehydration and severe weight loss. |
They have stopped eating or eat if you push them to feed. |
They are enduring chronic pain that can not be managed by medicine. Your vet will help you decide whether your French Bulldog is in pain. |
They are incontinent to the extent that they frequently soil themselves. |
They have stopped being interested in just about all of their favorite things, such as walking, playing with toys or other animals, eating treats, or asking for affection and cuddles from family and friends. |
They have persistent trouble breathing and coughing. |
They can’t stand on their own or fall while they’re trying to walk. |
Has your Frenchie’s behavior changed recently
If you learn to notice behavioral changes in your Frenchie, you will know for sure that something is different. For instance, if an active and happy French Bulldog becomes distant and inactive, it is obvious that some issues may be at play.
While behavioral changes do not mean that you have to put your Frenchie down, such indicators can motivate you to talk to a veterinarian. Next, consider whether your Frenchie is not interested in food, walking, and attention.
Remember; eventually, if your French Bulldog has become irrationally violent, reactive, or if your Frenchie disappears for long periods, it is best to have them checked by your vet.
Is your French Bulldog eating and drinking normally
Start keeping a specific journal to see if your Frenchie is eating and drinking. It’s not uncommon for a dog to sometimes miss a feeding or not feeding as much as normal.
But if your French Bulldog has not been eating for more than three or four days, you should be cautious and call your veterinarian.
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Is your French Bulldog crying and whining a lot
Crying and whining are typically indications of pain or discomfort. It is also important to watch how much your Frenchie is displaying these signs.
Your French Bulldog may become violent and protective if they feel in pain. Evaluate if your French Bulldogs’ personality changes from whining to anger.
If irrational behaviors are becoming a normal occurrence, you may want to take your French Bulldog to the vet.

Has your French Bulldogs mobility decreased
This is yet another question you have to answer for yourself before deciding when it’s best to let your Frenchie go.
Very frequently, exhaustion and unwillingness to walk about independently are obvious indicators that your French Bulldog needs immediate medical care or has weakened to the extent that it is reasonable to contemplate euthanasia.
Is your French Bulldog participate in family activities
Does your Frenchie still like playing with their toys or snuggling beside you? Or does it seem that your Frenchie is just existing without loving life? Answers to these questions will hopefully give you a hint about what your next step ought to be.
Is your French Bulldog in pain
If you find that your Frenchie is in pain, contact your veterinarian to see if he will benefit from getting some pain medication.
Bear in mind that if your French Bulldog is in distress, you should do everything you can to alleviate the suffering they are going through.
Instead of maintaining the needless suffering of your French Bulldog, it might be a reason to contemplate putting the Frenchie to sleep.
Is you French Bulldog still maintaining Hygiene
Is your French Bulldog able to maintain normal hygiene behaviors? Are they mobile enough to get out of their mess if they have acquired urinary or fecal incontinence?
Urinary or fecal incontinence development is a key concern to most dog owners, particularly when combined with a lack of mobility.
Where to take your French Bulldog for euthanasia services?
Animal euthanasia can be conducted at several locations. Many individuals are more comfortable with the experienced hands of their veterinarian. Optionally, your regional ASPCA / Human Society can offer low-cost euthanasia alternatives.
More and more vets have provided new in-home pet euthanasia options. Your Frenchie would be relaxed at home, without any of the hassles of taking them to a veterinarian at their clinic. You will also have the time and privacy you will need to cope with the grief of losing your little Frenchie in your own home.
Cost of putting your French Bulldog to sleep
The expense of euthanasia varies significantly based on the size of your French Bulldog, the venue, the services available, and the clinic where the procedure is performed.
Your local shelter could be in a position to conduct the process for as little as $100. In a full-service vet clinic, euthanasia may run you $500 or more, but this includes extra services.
In-home palliative care and end-of-life services will cost $400 to $1,000, and sometimes even more, but this is offset as the veterinarian can come to your home so that your Frenchie doesn’t have to go through the stress of transport.
There’s no wrong choice, and it’s about how much you’re willing or able to pay.
What To Expect When Its Time
When you finally decide that it is in your French Bulldog’s best interest to give them the respect of a peaceful death, then there are certain considerations you need to remember to prepare yourself for the process better.
Although it may be challenging to avoid worrying about such planning and preparation while your Frenchie still seems happy and healthy, it’s better to deal with them now before you visit the vet clinic.
What to to take with you
Consider what you need to bring to the clinic. If your Frenchie is still eating, take their favorite treat along. Take items that will relax them, like a favorite blanket or a toy. If you’re going to take the body with you, bring a carry blanket, a towel, or a crate to be used to move them to their burial spot.

Decided if you want to stay with them when it happens.
You will also have to consider if you want to remain with your Frenchie while they are put to sleep or leave the room until the process is completed.
Many people don’t want recollection, so they’d rather let their veterinarian put their French Bulldog to sleep peacefully while you wait in another room.
Other’s will need to be there to support them to the end. You have to figure out what’s best for both you and your loved ones.
Please realize, watching your Frenchie being put to sleep can be distressing to witness. But it can also be reassuring, and see for yourself that they don’t suffer.
Last moments with your French Bulldog
You’ll certainly feel a wide range of emotions on the day you take your Frenchie to the vet clinic. A lot of us feel remorse, anxiety, sadness, and uncertainty. Others are feeling numb or in disbelief.
Realize that these emotions are natural. Everyone has the right to grieve and work at their own pace through heartbreak. Your veterinarian would often ask you to sign the Euthanasia approval form to show that you approved the procedure for legal purposes.
Your vet will give you a chance to say goodbye. Seek to make your Frenchie as happy as possible in the final few minutes by bringing their favorite blanket to lay on, a toy to cuddle with, or a tempting treat if they can still eat.
What Happens During The Process
When you intend to stay with your French Bulldog, you will witness your veterinarian give your Frenchie a sleeping medication to help them sleep peacefully. Loss of consciousness usually begins inside of 5 to 15 minutes.
Understand that all your Frenchie will perceive is a feeling of sleep and will slip into a deep sleep. They won’t feel any discomfort.
Your vet will then give a dose of highly concentrated anesthesia specifically designed for putting animals to sleep. It essentially overpowers the brain and stops it from working.
Your French Bulldogs’ breathing can hasten at first as a reaction to the nervous system’s lack of activity. Typically, it stops inside 30 seconds. Then the heart slows and stops between one to three minutes.
Sometimes your French Bulldog will draw a few last, unexpected breaths before it finally succumbs to the drug. Their eyes might stay half-closed, the body could twitch, and the tongue may relax out of the mouth.
When you have experienced euthanasia, you will appreciate how peaceful it is for your beloved French Bulldog. They’re just all falling asleep.
Finial Decisions For Your Frenchie
Choices about what to do after your French Bulldog has been put to sleep are best done before the procedure. Preparing early gives you enough time to mourn before needing to make any hard choices.
You’re probably going to want to decide what to do about the body. Many people want to take their pet’s body and bury it in a grave on their land or in a pet cemetery. Others will have the veterinary clinic dispose of their dog’s body if they cannot cope.
Some people may also arrange to have their Frenchie cremated, often with a favorite item and their ashes.
Many people choose a private burial to celebrate the life of their French Bulldog. You can also order a natural urn for your Frenchie and plant a tree that grows from its ashes.