Why is my French bulldog getting aggressive? – What To Do: The main reason your French Bulldog is getting aggressive is either Fear, Illness and Injury, Frustration, Possessiveness, and Establishing Dominance.
The French Bulldog is cute and intelligent and a common breed among families. However, the question is, could the Frenchie be aggressive?
The French Bulldog is indeed a dog and, like every other dog, can be aggressive under certain circumstances. They still possess the same genes as their wild ancestors. Even though people have tamed them to defend themselves and their belongings, it is said that all dogs generally could be aggressive in the right circumstances. Still, they typically do not with proper training and conditioning.
Why are French Bulldogs aggressive?
Understanding why a dog starts acting aggressively is key to figuring out the best plan to stop this bad behavior. There are several possible explanations for dog aggression.
Fear | Illness and Injury |
Frustration | Possessiveness |
Establishing Dominance |
Fear can cause your French Bulldog to be aggressive.
Any dog may become threatening. Aggression can happen if a dog feels trapped in a place without any way of escape or if it feels that your intentions towards them are also one of aggression. Most dogs have aggressive behavior only if they feel they are in jeopardy, unable to flee, and have a feeling it needs to protect themselves.
Listed below are some common fears your dog may experience.
Fear of Thunder | Fear of Fireworks |
Fear of Being Left Alone (Separation Anxiety) | Fear of the Veterinarian |
Fear of Riding in the Car | Fear of Going Up and Down Stairs |
Fear of Men | Fear of Strangers |
Fear of Children | Fear of Specific Objects |
Rescue dogs that display violent or nervous behavior more than usual have likely been neglected endured a traumatic experience, or not adequately socialized at a young age.
You may be capable of managing your dog’s anxiety with care. Talk to your vet about the appropriate course of action. Most likely, a rescue dog will require obedience training with a trainer specializing in training abused dogs.
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Illness and Injury can cause your French Bulldog to be aggressive.
Several medical conditions can cause your dog to become violent. WheAg that has not shown any signs of aggression unexpectedly starts to growl, snap or bite, which would be triggered by injury or sickness.
Your unexpectedly aggressive dog might have an illness or injury that causes significant discomfort and anxiety. Pain is the most frequent cause of dog aggression. Several potential causes of pain involve inflammation, bone fracture, internal injuries, multiple tumors, and puncture wounds.
Certain illnesses can affect your dog’s personality, leading to seemingly irrational behavior. Brain diseases, tumors, and neurological shifts in older dogs can contribute to the development of aggression.
Giving your dog medicine when you suspect it’s in pain or discomfort may help its behavior. If your dog is ill, you’ll need to learn what is wrong with them before undertaking any therapy.
Possessiveness can cause your French Bulldog to have aggression.
Possession aggression or property protection happens if a dog possesses food, toys, bed, yard, or other items of interest. Dogs that demonstrate possession hostility may snarl if someone comes to their food bowl or gets too close when playing with their favorite toy.
A dog may also attack any outsider who enters your house, which is a dog’s domain.
Aggression can differ between dogs and objects; it feels like it needs protection. It all depends on the level of value the dog has placed on its items. Your dog may not mind, for example, if you pat it while it is enjoying its toy, but it could turn and bite at you if you do the same thing while they are eating.
Establishing Dominance can cause your French Bulldog to be aggressive.
Dogs often show aggression to determine dominance. Usually, this applies more to other dogs, but this can happen to people also.
Dogs showing this form of behavior believe they need to show that they’re in charge of things. Growing, snapping, or biting happens whenever they think their role is threatened. Regrettably, people sometimes confuse the source of dog aggressiveness as dominant behavior when there might be another cause.
Be diligent not to confuse the aggression in your dog. Therefore, efforts at corrective action may potentially make the problem worse. Rule out health problems or anxiety until you believe that you know the real reason for your dog’s aggressive behavior.
Frustration can cause your French Bulldog to be aggressive.
Aggressive behavior caused by frustration is redirected to violence or barrier anger. This can happen if a dog is irritated that it can’t get to an object or item and expresses that annoyance differently. This agitation is also seen in dogs who spend lots of time tied up, held back on a chain or rope.
A dog chained in a backyard may spend a day tugging to get to another dog living across the road or in an adjacent yard. A dog restrained all day usually barks and becomes more fiercely as agitation grows. The dog could transfer their frustration and snap at you when you approach.
Genetics can cause your French Bulldog to be aggressive.
Reckless breeding is yet another major cause of aggression. This characteristic is partly inherited, and if you breed two dangerous dogs, their descendants will more than likely show aggressive behavior at a particular stage.
A way to avoid purchasing an aggressive dog is to buy a puppy that isn’t aggressive. Always buy from reputable breeders who can show you the parents and their temperament.
How French Bulldogs Express Aggression
Aggression displayed by French Bulldogs is usually expressed by barking and growling. French bulldogs physically harming other pets or animals are uncommon, which can be avoided if you bring both pets at a reasonably young age, such that they develop together.
French Bulldogs are not known to bite people. Current Bite Statistics 2019
CANE CORSO | 235 | 207 | 28 | 88.10% |
WEST HIGHLAND WHITE TERRIER | 68 | 61 | 7 | 89.70% |
BORZOI | 111 | 100 | 11 | 90.10% |
IRISH WOLFHOUND | 101 | 91 | 10 | 90.10% |
PRESA CANARIO | 41 | 37 | 4 | 90.20% |
BEAUCERON | 53 | 48 | 5 | 90.60% |
IRISH SETTER | 154 | 140 | 14 | 90.90% |
STAFFORDSHIRE BULL TERRIER | 143 | 130 | 13 | 90.90% |
BRITTANY SPANIEL | 122 | 111 | 11 | 91.00% |
SCHIPPERKE | 130 | 119 | 11 | 91.50% |
BORDER TERRIER | 143 | 131 | 12 | 91.60% |
BULL TERRIER | 83 | 76 | 7 | 91.60% |
CURLY-COATED RETRIEVER | 181 | 166 | 15 | 91.70% |
PUG | 48 | 44 | 4 | 91.70% |
FLAT-COATED RETRIEVER | 87 | 80 | 7 | 92.00% |
LABRADOR RETRIEVER | 842 | 776 | 66 | 92.20% |
ENGLISH COCKER SPANIEL | 75 | 70 | 5 | 93.30% |
BLACK RUSSIAN TERRIER | 164 | 154 | 10 | 93.90% |
BELGIAN MALINOIS | 440 | 414 | 26 | 94.10% |
BOERBOEL | 57 | 54 | 3 | 94.70% |
FRENCH BULLDOG | 52 | 50 | 2 | 96.20% |
Is There A Difference Between Female And Male And Aggression in French Bulldogs
If you’re choosing a French Bulldog puppy or an adult dog, do not be fooled by the puppy’s sex; how aggressive a dog is has nothing to do if whether they are male or a female or its propensity to be disobedient, defiant, or even violent. Many breeders even claimed that their female Frenchies are problematic.
In contrast, the males are gentle and kindhearted, and also that the female French Bulldog can also be moodier or sassier, while for some other breeders, their perceptions are the other way around.

Does Neutering Your French Bulldog Early Help with aggression?
Behaviors that are impacted by castration are only those under the control of male hormones. A dog’s disposition, training attitude, and desire to do things are the product of genetics and upbringing, not male hormones. Sterilization does not “tame” an overexcited dog.
Aggressive dogs should be considered for neutering. This will help stop the breeding and transmission of any genetic characteristics of aggression. Sterilization can also reduce or eliminate several forms of aggression, affecting hormones.
French Bulldogs Can Be Head Strong. But This Is Not Aggression.
Some Frenchies like to think that they are they rule the room; the attitude of certain Frenchies is, in truth, part of their attention-seeking behavior. And they become protective of the owner’s attention. Another animal or person will be seen as the owner’s attention redirected to the new guest.
It would be best to let your French Bulldog know that it is inappropriate to act like that. When your Frenchie is still young, make every effort to show them that you are the boss in the home, not them; as you know, that bad behavior is hard to correct as they grow into adults.
Are French Bulldogs Good With Kids
There have been many occasions when French bulldogs have been seen interacting perfectly fine with other pets, living in the same house, sleeping, and eating together without being aggressive.
Curiously, French Bulldogs often love kids. Frenchie can get on well with anyone or an animal in the same family home without any problems. Though always with young children, do not leave them alone with any dog.
How to Handle Aggressive Behavior in your French Bulldog
The CAT (Constructional Aggression Treatment) approach is a great way to modify aggressive behavior, so it does not happen anymore. This process involves taking the dog from their routine and getting them to recognize what causes their excitement to increase.
As the alternative to keeping them away from the problem, this approach allows the dog to deal with their challenges head-on, so they can start to realize that the circumstance or the person is not going to leave, and they can accept it.
French Bulldog Personality and Temperament. (Opens in a new browser tab)