How Much Do French Bulldogs Weigh? (Guide Lines and Tips): Maintaining an ideal weight is one of the primary problems with the care of the French Bulldog.
So how much should French bulldogs weigh? The American Kennel Club states that a French Bulldog should be 28 pounds/ 12.5 kilograms and under. But we can go a little bit deeper than that.
Both male and female French Bulldogs are prone to falling into bad habits, just like everyone else, and quickly become obese.
This can cause health problems along the way. On the other hand, you should also be aware that all dogs, including Frenchie Bulldogs, can also go the other direction and become under their weight.
You need to pay attention to your dog’s weight and be vigilant before it becomes a concern.
Expected Growth For A Puppy (Male/Female)
1 week | 1.2 – 2.2 lbs / 0.5 – 1.0 kg |
4 week | 2.0 – 4.2 lbs / 1.0 – 2.0 kg |
8 week | 5.0 – 6.9 lbs / 2.2 – 3.0 kg |
12 week | 6.9 – 9.0 lbs / 3.0 – 4.0 kg |
16 week | 9.0 – 12 lbs / 4.0- 5.4 kg |
18 week | 12 – 15 lbs / 5.4 – 6.8 kg |
22 week | 15 – 16 lbs / 5.4 – 7.2 kg |
26 week | 16 – 18 lbs / 7.2 – 8.1 kg |
Adult | 23 – 28 lbs / 10 – 12.5 kg |
What is a good weight for a French Bulldog?
POP tells us that more than half of all dogs in the United States are overweight or obese. Being overweight places our dogs at a higher risk of arthritis and reduces life expectancy.
In contrast, obesity has been linked with many other conditions in dogs, such as cancers, hypertension, and cardiovascular disease.
Just like humans, many things may enable your French Bulldog to accumulate weight — from overeating to insufficient exercise to have a severe illness.
Since we are not always the best judge of our dog’s weight, it’s a good idea to talk with your veterinarian if you feel your Frenchie might be overweight— mainly when the weight gain is rapid.
Dogs must be capable of reaching all body parts to clean themselves. If your Frenchie can’t reach the back of their bum, this is yet another sign that perhaps your French Bulldog needs to lose weight.
Once more, due to various body types, some Frenchies cannot reach those parts of their body. But don’t dive right to the conclusion that your Frenchie is obese.
Besides the weight guides above hear is a standard chart on what to look for when it comes to your dog’s condition.
The graphic below gives you a good idea of the condition a dog should look at from different perspectives. The “Ideal” dog in this picture has a small but noticeable roundness of the abdomen just before the legs, and although the ribs are not prominent, there is not much excess fat across them.
Your Frenchie, as with all dogs, should look as close as possible to this.

What makes your French Bulldog put on weight?
Spay/Neuter Rumor
Some people support the notion that Spaying or neutering your dog will have the side effect of putting on weight.
A study in the American Veterinary Medical Association journal put these concerns to bed. The study examined the medical history of 1,930 spayed or neutered dogs and compared them to the medical history of 1,669 hormonally untouched dogs.
Dog records were tracked for a minimum of ten years or until they were overweight or obese.
This research established the correlation between spay/neuter and a higher risk of weight gain, but this association was only statistically meaningful in the first two years after surgery.
Furthermore, the age at which the dog was spayed or neutered had little impact on whether or not it was eventually diagnosed as overweight or obese.
Ultimately, this journal is excellent for people who choose to spay or neuter their dogs.
Lots of food!
A report states (Dog obesity: Veterinary practices’ and owners’ opinions on cause and management) that obesity in dogs was attributed to server factors.
Veterinarians determined that only 3% of cases could be attributed to the dog. And 97% were human-specific like diet, exercise, and owners’ attitudes.
Many of us are unsure how many calories we need to maintain a healthy weight. Therefore, it’s reasonable that we might overstate the energy requirements of our dogs.
One area in which dog owners are going wrong is the age of their furry friend. It’s because, when a puppy grows older, they tend to exercise less.
But, we may keep feeding them the same amount of food they have been eating while growing, resulting in weight gain.
The calorie needs of a dog can be remarkably small. A dog averaging around 67 and 88 lbs might need about 1,100 and 1,700 calories daily. Small dogs which are not very busy need as little as 185 to 370 calories per day.
If your Frenchie is 10% to 15% above the target weight, it’s time to speak to your veterinarian about what you can do to have your French Bulldog maintain a healthy weight.
Many smaller meals are more effective in losing weight than one or two major meals daily. That is because the blood sugar of your French Bulldog is more stable during the day, which ensures that their bodies are less likely to store excess calories.
Extra reading:
What Food Is Good For French Bulldogs? (Opens in a new browser tab)

Photo by Victor Romero
Not enough exercise
Insufficient activity is yet another common cause for dogs to lose weight. A great goal is to have at least 20 to 60 minutes of exercise with your dog every day.
Make sure to keep an eye on your Frenchie have not had a lot of activity recently, don’t take them for a flat outrun. Acquire some fitness tips from your veterinarian and gradually launch a new exercise program for your French Bulldog.
Extra reading:
An underactive thyroid (hypothyroidism) is a frequent problem in French Bulldogs. With French Bulldogs, they can be prone to thyroid problems. This may also be causing your Frenchies weight gain.
Hypothyroidism is easy to treat with hormone therapy. Symptoms can include lethargy, hair loss, fatigue, reduced appetite, panting, fever, and lower tolerance to exercise. You should consult your Vet, and they will be able to guide you.
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What are the risks of obesity?
Obesity reduces a dog’s life and makes it far more likely to contract an illness. It has always been known that overweight dogs have lived a shorter life expectancy than lean dogs, typically 6-12 months.
A massive, lifelong study on Labrador Retrievers showed that just being moderately overweight could decrease the dog’s life expectancy by almost two years compared to their slimmer equivalents.
Obese dogs are at risk of the following.
Many types of cancer, diabetes mellitus, heart disease, and hypertension |
Osteoarthritis and faster degeneration of affected joints |
Urinary bladder stones |
Anesthetic complications as they are less heat tolerant |
What makes your French Bulldog underweight?
As a French Bulldog owner, it can be alarming if your dog does not seem to be in their best health. Failure to gain weight or severe and rapid weight loss in dogs can make your Frenchie look awful and significantly affect their behavior.
You were right to be worried about such situations.
If you experience these signs, it would be smart to take your dog to the Vet for a formal diagnosis, as the failure to gain weight might be caused by several significant problems.
The primary symptom of underweight dogs is rapid weight loss or a lower-than-expected body size for a French Bulldog.
However, the side effects may go beyond how much weight they have lost; other telling indicators that your dog may be underweight usually involve:
Loss of appetite |
Gastrointestinal distress, such as vomiting, diarrhea, or difficulty swallowing |
Lack of energy and lethargy |
Matted or dull coat |
Loss of muscle mass |
The visible rib cage, in extreme cases |
Sometimes, weight loss is hard to detect, as it occurs slowly instead of a dramatic change overnight. You can use at-home approaches to illustrate your suspicions when you believe your Frenchie may be underweight.
Standing above your dog and look down. The dog must have some definition of the waist, but an excessive hourglass figure could signify being underweight.
In the next test, slowly run your hands along the sides of your Frenchie and across the rib cage. You should notice the ribs under a thin layer of fat in a healthy French Bulldog.
For overweight animals, you’re not going to be able to feel the ribs and underweight dogs have the opposite problem. When it feels like you are only touching the skin and bones, your Frenchie is probably underweight and must be taken to a vet.
Some Causes of Underweight Dogs
Malnutrition develops when the dog cannot acquire and consume the necessary nutrients for its body.
This problem might be caused by various issues, including a lack of food intake, due to internal health issues, or other factors. Irrespective of the problem, a malnourished dog can face severe consequences if left untreated.
Bad Breath:
What is the reason for the horrifying French Bulldogs’ breath combined with the loss of weight? It might be something they eat, yet there is a possibility of an underlying medical condition that might require a trip to the Vet for an examination.
Below is a look at some of the most likely causes of canine halitosis combined with weight loss.
Diabetes | French Bulldogs with diabetes may have an odour that smells like nail polish remover. If your Frenchie has diabetes, you might notice that they are drinking and urinating a great deal more, maybe even having incidents at home. Other symptoms include sudden weight loss, increased appetite, and changes in moodiness or apathy. When something seems out of the normal-like, your Vet will check the blood and urine tests for confirmation. |
Kidney disease | If your Frenchies breath smells like urine, this could be a warning that your French Bulldog may have kidney disease. Other symptoms include weight loss and appetite changes, mostly focused on drinking or urinating, and behavioral changes like lethargy or depression. |
If your Frenchie does not eat enough food, it will ultimately become undernourished. However, no owner would do this knowingly to their cherished Frenchie. (We hope).
Dogs that have been undernourished may show signs of canine fatigue, may look thin, and may even experience more health problems when left untreated.
If your French Bulldog appears to be thinner than normal, be sure to inform your veterinarian for instructions about how much and how often you should feed your Frenchie.
Parasites are among the most likely causes of weight loss in dogs. As has already been said, you can do everything by the book, taking your French Bulldog on a daily walk and feeding them with healthy food, which can still be underweight.
This is because your poor Frenchie may have a parasitic infestation; the body has been unable to absorb the vitamins and minerals in its food, which causes a nutrient deficiency.
When you think your French Bulldog has parasites, it will also develop symptoms like nausea, diarrhea, weight loss, or a swollen belly.
Keep a close eye out for these signals, and if your Frenchie begins to show one or more symptoms, bring them in for further examination with your Vet.
How much do French Bulldogs weigh?
Note, as soon as you see any differences in your French Bulldogs’ weight, keep an eye on them and act if you think it’s serious. Use your veterinarian as your primary source to ask any questions or worries about your Frenchie’s well-being. The greatest thing you could do as an owner is to be diligent and watchful of acting accordingly if appropriate.
More Reading
Do French Bulldogs Have Health Problems? (Opens in a new browser tab)