Many people love Frenchies because they’re said to be “not high energy.” But, what many people fail to realize is that doesn’t mean that they don’t love to be hyper or active– they aren’t as busy as “high energy” dogs, like huskies, shepherds, or other working dogs that are built to move and perform jobs. Even so, Frenchies enjoy spending lots of time playing, and they need their exercise.
Despite common assumptions, Frenchies can seem like they have a lot of energy, especially when young, especially if they aren’t getting their exercise. If you’re wondering if your dog will calm down with age, you’re in luck! Usually, they will, but if you need to slow down some of that activity sooner rather than later, there are ways you can help direct that energy in the right direction.
Are Frenchies Calm Dogs?
Frenchies are generally recognized as being much calmer than other dogs, which is one of the main reasons many people choose them over other breeds. However, they can still be quite hyperactive in their younger years. Especially in the puppy stage, your Frenchie is likely to want to play all the time.
Like children, Frenchies learn about their world through play. They need the chance to explore, test boundaries, and understand what they can do, which comes from playing. While Frenchies grow up to be fantastic apartment dogs, they still count on you to wear them out and keep them happy.
Common puppy destruction is likely to occur with Frenchies, as it would with any other puppy breed. You’re likely to see your Frenchie run around with the “zoomies,”– short periods of intense energy that are officially known as frenetic random activity periods (FRAPs). Your pup may bark incessantly or chew on everything in sight, leaving you wondering what to expect and whether you can ever count on your precious Frenchie calming down. Thankfully, a lot of the energy is outgrown over time.
Why is My French Bulldog so Hyper?
If you’ve got a hyper dog, you might be wondering why. And the answer is, you can usually figure out why your Frenchie has so much energy. Once you’ve got the root cause understood, you can then start taking care of the reason. A tired dog is a happy, well-behaved dog, which is certainly the case with Frenchies, commonly said among dog owners.
They’re Bored |
Dogs need things to do. There isn’t much going on for them when they’re inside your home, especially when the people are all busy. When you get a dog, you take on the responsibility for an animal to meet all of its needs– including mental stimulation. Your pup needs to be mentally stimulated or find something to do to alleviate boredom. If you don’t provide good ways for your Frenchie to stay stimulated, you’ll notice much more hyperactivity as they try to do something to keep themselves entertained. |
They’re Afraid |
Some hyperactivity is a sign of fear or anxiety. If you’ve noticed that your Frenchie is barking more and appears to be more active and intently trying to get to the door, there could be something scaring it. Some Frenchies are timid by nature, and they find that even more scares them than would normally scare a dog. These dogs may bark and grow anxious when people are walking by or cars on the road. This can lead to hyperactivity as the nervous energy has to go somewhere. Likewise, your pup could have experienced some trauma that led your pup to develop phobias, and that could be the root of the nervous energy. |
They Don’t Have Enough Food. |
If your pup gets overactive around mealtime, it could be the case that you’re either not feeding your Frenchie enough, or they don’t like the food you provide. Either way, the result is that your pup isn’t getting food and is growing agitated. This acting out is their way of communicating that they’re still hungry. |
They Need More Exercise |
If you’re not taking your pup on daily walks, you shouldn’t be surprised that they are hyperactive. Frenchies, like all dogs, need t get proper exercise, which usually includes a schedule to walk them. If you don’t exercise your Frenchie often, all of that energy gets pent up and has to come out somewhere– usually in hyperactive and destructive behaviors at home. If you absolutely can’t walk your dog, try letting them out in the yard to play. |
They’re Young |
Young dogs are more energetic than older ones. Your pup will mellow with age, but in the first 3-5 years of life, you can expect your Frenchie to want to run around regularly. |
They Are Aging and Experiencing Cognitive Decline |
Sometimes, Frenchies start to get more hyperactive, especially aimlessly, as they age. This can be a sign of cognitive decline, especially if you notice that it happens at night. |
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Will My French Bulldog Ever Calm Down?
The good news is, if your dog is still young, he is likely to calm down with age, especially if you make sure to accommodate for all f the most common causes for it. If you are already meeting your dog’s needs, the hyperactivity should be manageable until it wanes with age.
How Do I Get my French Bulldog to Calm Down
If you’re ready to start figuring out how to keep your pup happy and a bit more manageable at home, there are some very simple ways you can change your routine up to do exactly that. These different choices in your day won’t take up much effort on your end but can do wonders for your dog’s energy levels and mental state.
Exercise Your Frenchie More |
The easiest way that you can cut down on hyperactivity is simply by exercising your dog more. Try taking a walk or two throughout the day. Play fetch in the yard or tug-o-war indoors. Exercising your dog will help release that energy that would otherwise be pent up and cause behavioral problems. |
Provide Puzzle Toys or Other Mental Stimulation |
When you can’t exercise your pup, providing all sorts of mentally stimulating toys helps to cut down on misbehavior. There are many puzzle toys that you can load up with kibble or treats that your dog will then have to figure out to get back. These take time for your dog to use, which means there’s less time that your dog could be misbehaving. They also cut energy down to alleviate hyperactivity. |
Train Your Frenchie |
Training your dog also works to cut down on hyperactivity. When you train your dog, you also have the added benefit of working with your dog physically and mentally at the same time. Training tricks also work to cut down on misbehavior because you’re setting important boundaries for your dog as well. |
Choose Food Carefully |
The food that you feed your dog matters immensely. A lot of food on the market is the equivalent of providing a child with fast food or processed garbage day in and day out. However, if you choose good, quality dog food, you’ll notice a marked improvement in your dog’s behaviors. Many lower-quality choices are loaded with corn syrup, sugar, or other empty calories that don’t favor your dog. Instead of using these, find something healthy, natural, and doesn’t include added sugars. |
Reward Calmness |
Finally, make it a point to ignore hyperactivity directed toward you (barking, jumping on you, etc.) and reward your dog when they are calm. This means that once your dog quiets down, you can shower her with attention. Or, when she sits down when you first come home, you pet the dog. By rewarding only calm behavior and ignoring bad behavior, you teach your dog that he has to be relaxed first to get what he wants (your attention). |

When to Go to the Vet to Help Calm My French Bulldog
Some hyperactivity is to be expected with dogs. However, if you notice extra hyperactivity, even after taking the time to implement the advice above and your dog is over the age of 4 or 5, it is usually a good idea to speak with a vet. Likewise, if you notice that your dog is suddenly hyperactive when she wasn’t before, it’s always better to get your pup checked out to ensure that there’s nothing wrong medically.
While puppy hyperactivity can be difficult to deal with, it is usually only temporary. The puppy stage is difficult, but when your pup grows up to be a happy, healthy dog, it’s worth all of the effort. In the meantime, remember that it will pass, and your hyperactive pup wants to spend time with you. The hyperactive behaviors aren’t meant to annoy you– your puppy doesn’t know what to do with its energy.