What causes my Dogue de Bordeaux to shed? How to deal with it. Shedding is a natural process for dogs whereby their old or impaired fur is discarded. Certain types of dogs will also shed more or less than others. Nevertheless, the Dogue de Bordeaux is known to shed quite a bit.
As a result of shedding to maintain a healthy core temperature, many dogs develop a lighter coat in the warmer months and a heavier coat in the winter.
You are likely somewhat familiar with the concept of shedding if you already have dogs in your house. Dogs shed their dead and damaged fur to make way for healthier, newer growth.
Depending on a dog’s breed, pregnancy status, and general health, the amount of shedding will vary. Some dogs shed all year round, and some that shed only during the summer. Some dogs do not shed much. However, all dogs have a natural shedding period that cannot be avoided.
Suppose the skin looks distressed or unhealthy through excessive shedding. In that case, there is likely to be an underlying medical condition that requires treatment.
The Dogue de bordeaux Coat
The Dogue de Bordeaux also sheds, but not as much as other dogs. The coat is medium and sheds once or twice a year. Dogue de Bordeaux commonly shed their thick coats for lighter ones during the summer. You might expect to find your dog’s fur everywhere as some Dogues have relatively thin coats throughout the year.
Dealing with Dogue de bordeauxs Shedding
The skin of Dogue de Bordeaux is prone to some health problems. Start grooming your Dogue early, so it’s accustomed to being brushed. If you are grooming your dog, look for scabs, skin patches, bald patches, rough spots, or signs of infection. These are related to Dogue’s skin condition. A problem they may have is dermatitis in the folds of their faces.
Dermatitis is an inflammatory condition of the skin. There is a risk of infection with redness, scratching, crusts, hot spots, sores, seborrhea, and inflammation with dermatitis in dogs. You should take your Dogue de Bordeaux to the vet if you notice any of these skin problems.
How to Look After Your Shedding Dogue de bordeaux
It does not need to be difficult to deal with Dogue de Bordeaux shedding. It will take time to clean and wash your dog, and we have a few suggestions for quality coat supplements and tools. Regardless of whether they have hypoallergenic fur, all dogs need to be brushed regularly. A Dogue de Bordeaux has a short coat, which eliminates the threat of matting. However, you must use the appropriate equipment for your Dogue’s coat.
It is unnecessary to use heavy-duty tools on Dogue de Bordeauxs, as they do not have heavy double coats.
As a result of your dog’s thin coat, your veterinarian recommends brushing it once a week. Try not to scratch or hurt your dog’s skin with this brush. Brushing them too frequently can make their skin irritated. Therefore, brushing the same area too often is not a good idea. Consider brushing twice a week during the shedding season, however.
Bathing regularly is an additional way to control shedding in Dogue de Bordeaux. Make sure your dog has at least one bath every three months. Depending on the cleanliness of your dog, he may shed more or less. Dogs that play outdoors more often might require more baths than other pets. Nevertheless, this can be a delicate balance. It is better not to give your Dogue so many baths in a row. This is because the dog’s coat contains natural oils that prevent fur from drying out.
Dogue de Bordeaux loses their natural oils if they are bathed too often, which will cause their coats to become dull and dry. You may need to bathe your dog more frequently if your veterinarian recommends it.

Shampoos for Shedding Dogue de Bordeaux
Don’t use human shampoo on your Dogue. The skin of a dog is extremely delicate in comparison to that of a human. As compared to humans with 10-15 layers of skin, dogs have 3-5 layers.
You should also consider all of the other chemical compounds, which can be harsh on your dog. Make sure that the shampoo you get is intended for your four-legged friend. There’s very little cost involved, and you’ll be able to make your Dogue happier.
Fatty Acids For Dogue de bordeaux Coats
Omega-6 supplements can be useful if your Dogue de Bordeaux coat is beginning to lose its shine, which is often an indication of the coat’s health. However, it might not be necessary to buy your dog’s vitamins and minerals: pet stores sell omega-6 supplements, but sunflower or sunflower oil works fine as well.
Omega-6 oil is found in corn, evening primrose, and borage oil. In addition, fat from poultry and pork is also considered to be healthy. Before adding supplements to your dog’s diet, make sure you consult your veterinarian.