Just like other birds, ducks are also prone to diarrhea. Common signs of diarrhea in ducks include loose droppings, sudden weight loss, wet bedding, ruffling feathers, and pasted vents. If you have confirmed that your duck has diarrhea and wondering what to do, worry not because there are multiple natural treatments. The most effective natural ways to treat diarrhea in ducks are plenty of water, a healthy diet, probiotics, apple cider vinegar, and herbs. Below is a list of the most effective natural ways to treat diarrhea in ducks.
Provide plenty of water |
One of the most effective ways to get rid of diarrhea in ducks is by providing them with plenty of clean water. One of the main causes of diarrhea in ducks is too much heat and overheating. So, if your ducks suffer from diarrhea, especially during the hot summer season, it could be because of too much heat. If that is the case, you need to ensure that they stay in a cool place to prevent overheating and provide them with plenty of water. Ducks also love swimming. So make sure they have a pool of water to help them cool off. If diarrhea results from eating too much, the best solution is to provide plenty of clean freshwater with added electrolytes and vitamins. Diarrhea will stop on its own after 24-36 hours. |
Give them probiotics |
If your duck takes antibiotics to treat infection, she will likely get diarrhea. This is because antibiotics sometimes kill good bacteria along with bad bacteria. The best natural solution to this is to give your duck probiotics to help restore good bacteria, which, in turn, will help fight diarrhea. This includes supplementing their diet with a small amount of yogurt to enhance their gut health. |
Give your ducks a healthy diet. |
The quality of food that you give your ducks matters a lot. Ducks are curious birds, a trait that usually gets them in trouble. While eating toxic foods is rare in ducks, they can sometimes eat poisonous foods that cause diarrhea. That is why it is important to monitor your ducks’ foods closely. Ensure that you don’t dump wastes close to where your ducks feed. Also, ensure that you provide them regularly with healthy and nutritious foods to avoid enhancing their health and reduce the possibility of suffering from diarrhea. |
Add apple cider vinegar to your duck water. |
Another incredible way to treat diarrhea in ducks naturally is by adding apple cider vinegar to duck water. Apple cider vinegar will help to alkalize the duck’s body. It also contains anti-fungal properties and probiotics, which greatly treat and keep diarrhea at bay in ducks. |
Give your ducks natural herbs. |
Herbs for ducks are increasingly becoming popular because of their effectiveness in treating illnesses such as diarrhea. Herbs are one of the best natural remedies to give your duck to treat diarrhea. The most recommended herbs for treating diarrhea in ducks include oregano, a natural antibiotic that effectively treats diarrhea. It also helps to enhance the duck’s productive system and respiratory health. Another very effective herb is known as Astragalus. This natural herb has potent anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial and antiviral properties and is very effective in treating diarrhea in ducks. |

What can I give my duck for diarrhea?
If your duck has diarrhea, you must watch what you feed her. The best food to give your duck for diarrhea includes probiotic foods such as yogurt, kefir, pickles, and much more. Probiotic foods contain good bacteria that help fight bad bacteria that cause diarrhea.
Vets also recommend feeding ducks foods that are rich in fiber. Fiber is often used to regulate bowel movements in birds, but it is also very effective in treating diarrhea. High-fiber food to give your ducks includes apples, oats, and bananas. Consult when your vet first before issuing any fiber supplement to your duck.
Additionally, when your duck has diarrhea, you must feed her with a healthy, well-balanced diet and plenty of fluids. Diarrhea usually results in loss of fluids in ducks. So it is important to ensure that your duck has a constant supply of fresh water to keep her well hydrated. Evidence shows that ducks recover from diarrhea fast when well hydrated and fed.
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What causes diarrhea in ducks?
Diarrhea in ducks can be acute or chronic. Acute diarrhea is when diarrhea only lasts for a few days (mostly 4-7 days), and then it disappears. On the other hand, chronic diarrhea is when it lasts for more than two weeks. Fortunately, most ducks usually suffer from acute diarrhea. The most common cause of diarrhea in ducks is an infection, either bacterial, viral, or parasitic.
Another common cause of diarrhea in ducks is when the duck eats too much food and when the duck is dehydrated. That is why it is recommended you give your duck clean and fresh water all the time.
Other common causes of diarrhea in ducks include heat stress, antibiotics that kill good bacteria, huge intestinal worms, pneumonia, anxiety, failing organs, and toxic ingestion.
What foods give ducks diarrhea?
Eating garbage or irritating foods also gives ducks diarrhea. Popular foods that give ducks diarrhea include chips, bread, cereal, popcorn, and doughnuts. These foods have little nutritional value and are also linked to causing diarrhea. Additionally, spicy dairy products and sugary foods can cause diarrhea in foods.

How can I prevent my ducks from getting diarrhea?
Diarrhea can make your duck’s life miserable. Therefore, doing all you can to prevent your ducks from getting diarrhea is important. This section will give tips on how to prevent your ducks from getting diarrhea.
Feed your duck with a healthy diet |
The first important thing to prevent ducks from getting diarrhea is feeding them a healthy and nutritious diet. According to vets, the top reason ducks get diarrhea is feeding on unhealthy foods and having little nutritional value. So, feed your ducks with various nutritious foods; consult your vet for advice if you are unsure about the best food to give your ducks. Feeding your ducks with healthy and nutritious feed will lessen the chances of stomach upset, which means less diarrhea. |
Provide shady area |
Ducks are very sensitive to heat. One of the top reasons ducks get diarrhea is exposure to too much heat. Remember that diarrhea is not an actual disease. It is like the flu and is triggered by many things. In the case of ducks, one of the common triggers of diarrhea is overheating. So, ensure that you provide plenty of shady areas and keep cold water available, especially during hot and dry months. This will ensure that your ducks cool down effectively. |
Give them plenty of water. |
Ducks drink plenty of water, especially during hot and dry months. One of the best ways to prevent dehydration is by ensuring they have a constant fresh water supply to ensure they are well hydrated. If possible, add electrolytes and vitamins. When the ducks are well hydrated, it is difficult for them to suffer from diarrhea. |
Identify the triggers |
Identifying the triggers is another important thing that can help prevent your ducks from getting diarrhea. In ducks, common diarrhea triggers include bacterial infection, eating foods that upset the digestive system, allergies, intolerance to certain foods, heat, and medication. Consult a vet to help you find out things that trigger diarrhea in your dogs. Knowing the triggers will help you avoid them. |
Call your vet to check ducks. |
Another great way to prevent your ducks from getting diarrhea is by inviting your local vet to check them regularly. A vet will examine your ducks and treat any symptoms before they become serious. The vet will also advise how to prevent your ducks from getting diarrhea and other deadly diseases. |
When to take my duck to the vet
If diarrhea lasts more than two weeks, you should immediately take your duck to the vet. If diarrhea stays for more than two weeks, the duck suffers from chronic diarrhea that needs specialized treatment.
Additionally, if the duck does not respond to natural treatment or keeps on getting worse, she needs advanced treatment that the vet can only administer. Last but not least, you should take your duck to the vet if your duck has an underlying disease such as high blood pressure or diabetes.
Diarrhea is a common condition that affects ducks. If you have realized that your duck is suffering from diarrhea, you should take action immediately. The natural remedies above are very effective and can help treat diarrhea in ducks. However, if symptoms persist, you should consult your vet immediately.