Having a birthday party is a pawriffic way to show your beloved French Bulldog how much you love them. They give you unconditional love; they make you smile, they keep you entertained, and they’re always around when you need them.
And there is nothing greater to raise your mood than to see your Frenchie happy. To see their beaming smile, bat ears, and shacking bottom.
Frenchie parties have become more and more common. People love it as it’s all about their beloved furbaby. But it’s also a great opportunity to bring friends together for a fun social affair.
Whatever the cause, Frenchie parties are unforgettable for your Frenchie, children, and adults alike.
Planing Your French Bulldogs Party
Begin with a plan for their Birthday party. It will enable you to mark things off as you go, ensuring you do not overlook anything. The next consideration is the location.
If it’s large enough for several enthusiastic fur friends, it might be in the backyard, but some other choices also include a nearby dog park or the beach. Make sure they have a lot of space to race, play, and do party games.
Spend a little while selecting which dog friends to be invited to the birthday party.
Ensure that they are well managed and friendly and that their parents can keep them under control if they get out of hand. Just like every event, fantastic guests mean a great time!
Choose a Theme for The Birthday Party
One of the enjoyable things with children’s parties is the themes we often have for them, designing a whole set for them to live out their special day.
This could also be a cute idea for your Frenchies’ birthday party, even though we know it’s somewhat hard to ask them about feedback or preferences :). If there’s a clear idea, try theming it.
But it is not that important, so there is no need to cause unnecessary stress for yourself if nothing comes to mind.
If nothing occurs to you, we suggest purchasing or making a few basic decorations to liven up space, whatever looks cheerful, which is within your budget. We have some ideas below.

The Birthday Party Invitations
The party invitations are important to the process. Design your own with fun photos of your French Bulldog or adorable cartoon characters, or maybe if you’re especially creative, visit a craft store to buy some colorful cards and cutouts.
If you do not have the creative bug, here are some special dog invitations that you can purchase.
Remember to include the date, time, address, dress code, and date of the RSVP.
Your Frenchie’s Birthday Party Decorations
A birthday party is not a party if it is balloon-free, but note that although some dogs love balloons, some may get frightened if they burst.
Put them high to get them out of the way but make them look fun and accessories them with stick-on ears, eyes, mouth, and nose or paint them with paw prints.
Use a disposable table cloth that you are not too attached to get messy. Include some colorful plastic kitchenware. Dog dishes or even colorful plastic plates make perfect decorations for doggy visitors.
Do not be surprised if they make a mess. Take care to have a lot of water around for all the fur friends.
Select some music that fits the style of the party. Don’t overlook the party hats; it works well at children’s parties, it will also work well at your furbaby’s party.
Frenchie Dog Bags
A party is not a party without some kind of party bag of party treats to take home for your Frenchie’s party friends. Brightly colored paper bags or noodle boxes with paw prints from your Frenchie.
Fill them with tasty dog treats, both big and tiny. Attach a ball or dog-safe toy, but don’t forget your ‘thank you’ card for joining the party.
If you are not sure where to start for your party needs, we have given a starter list below from Amazon. 🙂
Games To Play At the Party
Here are some real Frenchie pleasers; if you’d like to plan some events and dog birthday celebration games… here’s a few suggestions.
Dog drawing contest: Does your Frenchie have imaginative fur buddy’s parents? Take paper and pencils or colored pencils or paints and make everyone draw your Frenchie or their doggie. Have everyone vote for their pick or play a game in which visitors guess who each painted. |
Frenchie musical chairs: Much like what you played as a child- except with dogs! Make owners walk about with their fur babies around a circle of seats as the music plays. When the music stops, they and their dog have to sit as fast as possible when it ends. Those that find themselves last are out. We have heard of something similar but played with hula hoops and made the dogs sit in the hoops while the parents were standing outside it.⠀ |
Trick contest: Let the doggie parents and their pups display the best tricks that their dogs can do. Maybe see who has the best sit, down, and shake. |
Water Pool: When your event is in your yard, it’s summer and hot, and you have dogs that love playing in water coming to the party, then a water activity is a must. What could be more exciting than that? |

Treats and Cake
Party Food For Dogs
Here are some fun dog food ideas for the Frenchies’ birthday party.
Frozen Bites: Buy an ice tray to see if it can be bone-shaped, and then freeze up to several tasty things your Frenchie and their dog friends would enjoy. Optionally, use a Dixie cup or a standard Popsicle mold. | · Goat Milk Popsicle · Chicken or beef broth · Dog Safe Pumpkin & Banana · Watermelon cubes · Yogurt & Bacon Bits |
Vegetables: Cut these up into bite-size snacks and place them in bowls. | · Carrots · Iceberg lettuce · Celery stalks · Apples · Sugar snap peas |
Ice Cream For Dogs: | When you’re going to your Frenchie their birthday cake, you need ice cream. We all love ice cream. This ice cream has the aroma of maple bacon. It’s all-natural, easy to prepare, scoop-able, and creamy. |
Dog Drinks: As mentioned above, ensure that the guest dogs have plenty of water. | Another nice idea is to provide the dogs with specially made beer or wine. Yeah, for dogs, that’s correct. But don’t stress, they’re not going to stumble around running over other guests. Both products are manufactured in the United States, and the broth is made from scratch – there is no addition of salt or fat. |
We could not pass up showing you these great Drinks and Ice Cream to give your party that special something. 🙂
The Cake
What birthday party doesn’t have a birthday cake? If you wish to make your own or order one in, there are plenty of incredibly awesome doggie-approved birthday cakes and cake recipes around nowadays.
Make sure to ask whether any dogs are susceptible to grain.
Cake Recipe
Here is a great recipe you could use.
Do Not Forget human Guests
You have to give your doggie guest parents some reason to come to the birthday party, aside from a day of adorable dog antics, too. So supply some tasty party food and beverages for them also. Drum up a few party classics such as chicken wings, spinach, and artichoke dip, and stuffed mushrooms, served with beer, wine, or a personalized drink in celebration of your Frenchies’ day.