No, Acorns are poisonous to dogs if eaten. They contain tannins that can cause stomach upset, kidney failure, and even death in the most extreme cases. Furthermore, they are tough and sharp, and ingesting them can obstruct them. The same poisoning that can result from eating oak leaves may occur when your French Bulldog eats an acorn poisoning known as Quercus poisoning.
In autumn and winter, acorns are common sights on the ground as they are part of the oak tree’s nuts. During a walk, curious French Bulldogs may be drawn to these unfamiliar objects, and while owners might not think much about letting their pets pick up an acorn, they need to know that acorns and dogs don’t mix well.
Why Are Acorns Bad For My French Bulldog?
It may seem like a harmless treat, but acorns are completely unsafe to feed to your French Bulldog. Acorns can cause stomach problems, particularly if they are regularly eaten. In addition to the reasons acorns can harm dogs even in small amounts, several other factors are involved.
What is Quercus/Gallotannin Poisoning In Dogs? |
Acorns are one example. An acorn contains tannin, a biomolecule present in wood, leaves, seeds, and certain fruits. The tannin in acorns is called gallotannin. There are traces of tannin in many plants, but some plants contain high quantities of toxic gallotannins. French Bulldogs who consume tannins suffer from stomach upset, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, and general weakness from the tannin breakdown in the stomach. Eventually, these symptoms will lead to more serious ones, such as bleeding, dehydration, collapse, and seizures, as the toxins damage the intestinal lining, kidneys, and veins. The bleeding in the stomach can lead to rapid dehydration, which can lead to shock through bloody stools and vomiting. |
How Many Acorns Will Be Toxic To Your French Bulldog? |
If they consume several acorns, dogs can be poisoned by gallotannin, equaling 6% of their body weight. Dogs (especially large ones) often do not exhibit poisoning symptoms until days after consumption, but symptoms can occur within a few hours of consumption. |
Choking from Acorns |
An acorn similar to golf balls, bones, and rawhide is a choking hazard in dogs. Obstruction of any kind can be fatal if it is not treated immediately. If your French Bulldog is choking, it may retch, paw at the throat, look panicked, thrust its head forward, or show any signs of discomfort or difficulty breathing. Make sure you examine inside their mouth, pull their tongue forward, and dislodge and remove any acorns. |
What To Do If Your French Bulldog Eats Acorns
In the event that you discover your French Bulldog has eaten an acorn, you need to contact your veterinarian as quickly as possible. It is important to promptly treat acorn toxicity, as delay in treatment can cause permanent damage in severe cases. It would be best if you did not try to make your dog sick, as it may not be necessary and can even harm them.
Depending on your French Bulldogs’ condition, they will receive different treatments. Treatment will likely include measures to control vomiting, diarrhea, and abdominal pain. Your veterinarian may require blood tests to assess the health of your dog’s kidneys and liver.
Your veterinarian may also recommend x-rays for further investigation and surgery to remove any blockages discovered if he suspects your Frenchie has a gastrointestinal blockage. A veterinarian can assess your French Bulldog’s health and determine what treatments or tests may be necessary.

Preventing an Acorn Incident With Your French Bulldog
The majority of French Bulldogs will not eat acorns. Keep your yard free of acorns and find an acorn-free path to take them on for walks in the fall if your dog is prone to eating anything off the ground. Consider dog-safe varieties of flowers, trees, and shrubs when you plant.
The majority of French Bulldogs will not eat acorns. Keep your yard free of acorns and find an acorn-free path to take them on for walks in the fall if your dog is prone to eating anything off the ground. Consider dog-safe varieties of flowers, trees, and shrubs when you plant.
If your dog eats an acorn, do not panic. Be on the lookout for signs of choking, abdominal pain, or difficulty defecating. If you notice any poisoning or bowel obstruction symptoms, contact your veterinarian immediately.
Using equipment like muzzles to prevent your French Bulldog from picking up Acorns is an option as a last resort. This allows your Frenchie to move around freely while preventing him from eating things he shouldn’t.